Kos participates in the Running of the Mayors

8/10/2017 | Chris Maza

Category: August

Reminder Publications photos by Chris Maza

Mayor Richard Kos joined fellow mayors Will Reichelt of West Springfild, Alex Morse of Holyoke, Domenic Sarno of Springfield, and Brian Sullivan of Westfield for the Running of the Mayors at the Valley Blue Sox’s victory over the Winnipesaukee Muskratson July 19.

The Blue Sox regularly have entertainment between innings, often races like the Ketchup and Mustard Race and the Tire Race, but the Running of the Mayors was a special event.

Local sponsors such as Polish National Credit Union and Westfield Bank and others put up money for the mayors to race on behalf of their town’s Boys & Girls Club.

Citing an injury, Kos did not actively compete in the race, but he and Sullivan did make the run down the first baseline to the finish.



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