Category: June

Fontaine named new Storrowton Village director

6/22/2017 | Chris Maza

Jessica Fontaine still remembers when she first volunteered at Storrowton Village. Her grandmother began volunteering at the living museum in the early 90s and shortly after, as a young girl she began borrowing a costume and tagging along. “My grandmother was involved in a lot of different programs, but my memories are of the fair,” Fontaine recalled. “I remember sitting on the steps of the Potter House as my grandmother gave tours and I thought that was really cool.” ...

Irish Cultural Center seeks funds for phase two

6/22/2017 | Chris Maza

With ambitious long-term plans for the future, the Irish Cultural Center is embarking on its first major capital funding drive in its continuing efforts to improve its new home on Morgan Road. ...

Opinion: Conversation must trump rhetoric

6/22/2017 | G. Michael Dobbs

I don’t know about you, but the senseless shooting at the baseball practice of the Republican House team underscored for me the continuing crisis in this country. ...