Category: September

The ABCs of The Big E

9/21/2017 | Chris Maza, G. Michael Dobbs & Payton North

Assistant Managing Editor Chris Maza put together this alphabetical guide to the Big E while Managing Editor G. Michael Dobbs and Assistant Editor Payton North provided more coverage from the fair’s 101st year. ...

Healthy Living: Out of the Darkness Walk finds new home

9/21/2017 | Chris Maza

Now in its 16th year, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Greater Springfield Out of the Darkness walk has a new home in School Street Park in Agawam. The walk, which is slated for Oct. 21, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., is one of the principal fundraising and awareness efforts put on by the AFSP&rsquo ...

Eat.Enjoy.Live.: Tree House grows into its new home

9/21/2017 | Chris Maza

Hidden in plain sight at Tree House Brewing Company’s new facility in Charlton is a subtle nod to its humble beginnings. Etched into the floor is the original floor plan, with proper dimensions, of the original brewery in Brimfield. The positioning of the bar, fermenters, stairs and even the potbelly stove harkens back to a past that seems long ago, but is, indeed, not forgotten. ...